Periodontics is a specialized field of dentistry that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal (gum) diseases and conditions that affect the supporting structures of the teeth. Periodontal diseases are infections that affect the gums and the supporting structures of the teeth. They are caused by the accumulation of plaque and bacteria on the teeth, leading to inflammation and, if left untreated, can progress to more severe conditions that can result in tooth loss.

The two most common forms of periodontal diseases are:

  • Gingivitis: Gingivitis is the mildest form of gum disease, characterized by red, swollen, and bleeding gums. It is usually reversible with proper oral hygiene and professional dental cleanings.
  • Periodontitis: Untreated gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease. In periodontitis, the gums recede from the teeth, forming pockets that become infected. The infection spreads and can lead to bone and tissue loss, causing tooth mobility and eventual tooth loss.

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